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PRYMN19-SF026 Enlarge View
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  • PRYMN19-SF026
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Pomegranate Painting Pour

Item Number: PRYMN19-SF026

Date Submitted: 09/26/2019

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Your students will experiment with the paint pouring technique as they learn about the symbolism behind the pomegranate - our tefillah that the coming year should be filled with our many merits as the pomegranate is filled with many seeds. The pouring technique allows your students to watch how the individual cells (seeds) of the pomegranate appear and multiply; just as every Jew - even one who may seem to be void of mitzvos – is actually filled with mitzvos.

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Publisher: Walder Education
Founding Director: Mrs. Rouhama Garelick
Created: Sara Freida Imbo




Size: 8.5"x11"
Language: N/A
Language Style: N/A
Gender: N/A
Color: N/A
Grade(s): 4th-5th, 6th- 8th
Resource Type(s): Projects
Subject(s): Holidays and Shabbos, Rosh Hashanah 




Goals and Objectives: Students will employ the acrylic pour technique to create a pomegranate as they learn about the tefillah of every Jew that the coming year should be filled with many merits, as the pomegranate is filled with many seeds.
Skills Needed: SkillsNeededBodyText
Skills Developed: Students will continue to develop of their fine motor skills such as dexterity of hand, eye-hand coordination, pincer skills, small muscle control, and feelings of competence while creating artwork that is filled with purpose.


  • Template (attached)
  • Wood Circle (10” wide)
  • Foam or Wood (to cut out a 3” calyx - shaped like a crown)
    (We used a 3” tall wood pineapple)
  • Paint for Pomegranate (red and white),
  • Paint for Calyx (red and gold)
  • Elmer’s Glue (half of a 4 oz. bottle)
  • Plastic cups (12 oz.)
  • Paint brush
  • Craft sticks
  • Cup or bottle of water
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