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Exploring Blood Science in Parashas Vayishlach Enlarge View
Exploring Blood Science in Parashas Vayishlach

Exploring Blood Science in Parshas Vayishlach

Item Number: CRBER13-RS017

Date Submitted: 05/09/2014

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When Yaakov crossed the River Yabok, he wrestled with Eisav's angel who injured him. Although Yaakov did not bleed, when we get injured we often see blood. What is blood and what does it do inside our bodies? Have fun learning about one of the most important parts of the body.

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Publisher: Walder Education
Founding Director: Mrs. Rouhama Garelick
Created: Rivkie Schecter


Size: 8.5x11
Language: English
Language Style: Ashkenaz
Gender: N/A
Color: Color
Grade(s): Preschool-2nd Grade
3rd-5th Grade
Resource Type(s): Curriculum Materials
Subject(s): Vayishlach
Goals and Objectives: The students will explain that blood has many different parts. They will be able to describe what their blood is doing inside their bodies.
Skills Needed: focus on task, ability to follow instructions, fine motor skills (pouring)
2-8.5x11-Color Paper Not Laminated
(To view page sizes in PDF, hover over the bottom left corner of the page.)
Page Scaling: None (Do Not Fit to Printable Area)
Notes: Some cutting and assembly may be required.
Laminated items will require trimming.
Items larger than 11x17 inches may require a large format printer.
One quart of water dyed yellow with food coloring
One eight ounce
glass or jar
Measuring cup
Red beads
Red food coloring
White beads
A short tube or wide straw wide enough for the beads to fit through
A funnel to fit the straw
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