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Illuminated Torah Slides - Seven Days of Creation

Submitted: 09/28/2023

Illuminated Torah Powerpoint - Seven Days of Creation

Introduction to Learning Hebrew Language part 2b ~ Examples

Introduction to Learning Hebrew Language part 2b ~ Examples

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Animated video explaining the function of the Hebrew word "el"

Introduction to Learning Hebrew Language part 2 ~ Examples

Introduction to Learning Hebrew Language part 2 ~ Examples

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Animated video explaining the concept of a direct object the word "es"

Introduction to Learning Lashon HaKodesh (and other second languages)

Introduction to Learning Lashon HaKodesh (and other second languages)

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Animated video explaining Lashon Hakodesh

3D Aron Kodesh with Keruvim

3D Teivah (Noah's Ark)

Submitted: 05/09/2014

3D pull apart model of the Teivah (Noah's Ark)

3D Aron Kodesh with Keruvim

3D Aron Kodesh with Keruvim

Submitted: 05/09/2014

3D model of the Aron Kodesh kept in the Kodesh Kodashim

3D Mizbeiach without Kohen

3D Mizbeiach without Kohen

Submitted: 05/09/2014

3D model of the mizbeiach (altar) of the Second Beis Hamikdash

3D Mizbeiach with Kohen

3D Mizbeiach with Kohen

Submitted: 05/09/2014

3D model of the mizbeiach (altar) of the Second Beis Hamikdash with Kohen for scale

Introduction to Learning Hebrew Language

Introduction to Hebrew Language

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Animated video explaining why language is important