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Parsha Pinchas

June 24, 2018 11:18 AM
פרשת פנחס
לכן אמור הנני נותן לו את בריתי שלום כ'ה | י'ב
“Therefore, I declare” Behold!! I bestow upon him my convent of peace”
A prevalent misconception exists, that peace is the antithesis of truth and in order to create harmony one must distort the truth.
However, we learn from the order of creation, that only after HaShem separated light from darkness, could peace exist; as we say in davening “יוצר אור ובורא חשך עושה שלום”. “He forms light and create darkness, makes peace”
Comments Rav Shmuel Rozovsky zt”l, attempts to create peace through half-truths by blurring boundaries will ultimately fail. 

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