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Walder Education Online Teachers' Resource Center

"Every child deserves the best teacher and every teache deserves to be the best"


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"The Walder Education Pavilion is a treasure. The staff is exceptionally helpful as well as creative. They also keep the students’ benefit in mind during every aspect of a project. They confer with each other to enhance each teacher’s and student’s experience. The materials at the Pavilion are vast and imaginative. As a teacher, the Walder Education Pavilion exceeds all expectations."

- Lora Frazin, Cong. B’nai Torah


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"These Parsha pictures makes the Parsha come alive and the kids look forward to the next ‘installment’."

- Shifra Goldstein, Madrid, Spain


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What's New

Walder Education schedules an array of meaningful and motivating workshops on every education topic imaginable. We offer a rich variety of free computer/technology classes for all educators for all levels of mastery. Educators are provided with a warm, nurturing environment to develop and grow professionally through these inspiring classes, as well as networking opportunities with fellow participating teachers. Check out our calendar to see what is being offered currently.
