Walder Education Online Teachers' Resource Center
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Submitted: 11/27/2024
Illustrated poster with flowchart for what to do if Mashiv Haruach is forgotten during the winter
Illustrated poster with flowchart for what to do if winter additions to the עמידה are said in the summer
Submitted: 01/24/2024
Siddur booklet cover featuring young girl davening
Submitted: 12/03/2023
A bookmark reminder to say Al Hanissim during Chanukah
Chanukah poster reminder to say Al Hanissim
Submitted: 11/30/2023
Illustrated poster with flowchart for what to do if Vesain Tal Umatar is not said during the winter
Submitted: 10/18/2023
Illustrated Siddur with basic tefillos (prayers) for boys
Submitted: 09/26/2023
illustrated Siddur with basic tefillos (prayers) for girls
Submitted: 09/10/2023
Jewish Life clipart
Submitted: 09/07/2023
Submitted: 07/17/2023
Mashiv Haruach reminder bookmarks to color
Submitted: 07/12/2023
A bookmark reminder to say Mashiv Haruach