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Tanach Subjects



Weekly Parsha Guide: Vayeira

Submitted: 11/16/2020

Parsha review and insights for the Shabbos table.


Vayeira Pictures and Summaries

Submitted: 10/16/2017

Text-free color Parshah images with separate summary captions in multiple languages


Vayeira Pictures and Pesukim

Submitted: 10/03/2017

Text-free color Parshah images with separate Pesukim captions in multiple languages


Vayeira Pictures and Summaries

Submitted: 10/03/2017

Text-free black and white Parshah images with separate summary captions in multiple languages


Vayeira Pictures and Pesukim

Submitted: 10/03/2017

Text-free black and white Parshah images with separate Pesukim captions in multiple languages


Avraham's Tent

Submitted: 10/22/2015

Create this foldable tent project to teach the mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim in Parshas Vayeira.


Star Lamp Shade

Submitted: 10/21/2015

Create this project to teach the students about Parshas Vayeira.

Where Does a Shofar Come From Handout

Where Does a Shofar Come From Handout

Submitted: 05/09/2014

An illustration of a ram.

Removing Salt from Water for Parashas Vayeira

Removing Salt from Water for Parashas Vayeira

Submitted: 05/09/2014

A science experiment about salt water evaporation.


Let's Make Butter for Parashas Vayeira

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Make butter with your students the old fashioned way in this fun and engaging science project.

Binding of Yitzchak

Binding of Yitzchak

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Tanach Clipart

Binding of Yitzchak

Binding of Yitzchak

Submitted: 05/09/2014

Tanach Clipart
