Our Rabbanim have expressed concern over the dangers of the Internet. With that in mind, Walder Education has provided a list of possible ways to promote Internet Safety with limits and supervision.
Use a Filter (suggestions listed below) to filter out undesirable or inappropriate websites. The filter must be installed on all computers in the home.
(NOTE: A child can request change of password from a filter. so check your email because the verification that you requested this change, must be caught so you can reply that you did not make that request. Otherwise it’ll go through and your child will have the password and can make changes… and you will not have the password)
Put a password protection on the computer. A child should not be able to log in without an adult.
Timeout software that logs off after a set amount of time (FREE ROMACO TIME OUT)
Spy software that records activity that you or another adult can browse through and monitor.
Place the computer in a public, high traffic room.
Set some basic rules ie. computer setting should not be changed
Choose to turn off any data plan on your phone.
Suggested Filters:
yeshiva net
Norton Family – Free
K-9 – free
Guard Your Eyes.com
Resources for teaching Internet Safety: