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Walder Education Online Teachers' Resource Center

"Every child deserves the best teacher and every teache deserves to be the best"


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"We also want to thank you and your staff for working overtime to assist our teachers in producing bulletin boards and teaching materials that greatly enhance our classrooms and lessons. The Walder Education Pavilion is a resource that our teachers heavily rely upon to create an optimal teaching environment in every classroom. Gratefully,"

- Mrs. Ahuva Wainhaus, Menaheles, Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov


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"On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I’d like to thank you and your staff for your hospitality. We appreciated all the time you took to show us around and explain all your programs to us. We loved your facility and all the good work you do for teachers and families. We got lots of great ideas. Everyone was impressed with your site and what you did with it."

- Alice Jacobson, Creativity Center Director, Coalition for Jewish Learning, Milwaukee, WI


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