Submitted: 10/23/2023
Tropical-themed locker tags
Tropical-themed desk strips with Hebrew print and script letters, gematria, English letters, and number chart.
Submitted: 07/19/2023
Western-themed locker tags
Western-themed desk strip with Hebrew print, script, Rashi letters, and gematria
Submitted: 05/18/2023
Desk strip with Hebrew print, script, and Rashi letters, gematria, and months of the year
Desk strips with print and script Hebrew letters, Hebrew months of the year, and Hebrew names for colors.
Submitted: 07/31/2022
Insect-Themed Locker and Cubby Tags
Deskstrips with print and script Hebrew letters, months of the year, and colors in Hebrew
Submitted: 07/24/2022
Desk strip with print and script Hebrew letters, Hebrew months, and Hebrew words for colors
Book-Themed Locker and Cubby Tags
Desk strip with Hebrew print, script, Rashi letters, Hebrew months, and gematria
Desk strip with print and script Hebrew letters, Hebrew months, and Hebrew words for colors.