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PRLAG16-SS002 Enlarge View
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Lag BaOmer Diorama

Item Number: PRLAG16-SS002

Date Submitted: 03/30/2016

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Students will enjoy recreating a project that will commemorate the 13 years that Shimon Bar Yochai and his son Elazar spent learning Torah while hiding from the Romans and the miracles Hashem performed for them.

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Publisher: Walder Education
Director: Mrs. Rouhama Garelick
Created: Walder Staff
Coordinator: Zehavah Allen




Size: 8.5"x11"
Language: Hebrew
Language Style: N/A
Gender: N/A
Color: Black and white
Grade(s): 3rd-5th
Resource Type(s): Projects
Subject(s): Holidays and Shabbos, Lag BaOmer




Goals and Objectives: The student will learn about Shimon Bar Yochai and his learning, while creating a diorama project. 
Skills Needed: Ability to follow directions.
Skills Developed:

The student will developfine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and the ability focus on task.




Contents: 1-8.5"x11"-Black and White Cardstock Not Laminated
(To view page sizes in PDF, hover over the bottom left corner of the page.)
Page Scaling: None (Do Not Fit to Printable Area)
Notes: SomDo Not Fit to Printable Areae cutting and assembly may be required.
Laminated items will require trimming.
Items larger than 11x17 inches may require a large format printer.


  • 7”x10” chipboard
  • Sand
  • Moss
  • Small tree sticks
  • ½ Paper towel roll
  • Blue paint
  • Colored markers
  • Stones or pebble
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