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Walder Education Online Teachers' Resource Center

"Every child deserves the best teacher and every teache deserves to be the best"



"As I walked into the Walder Education Pavilion, I was overwhelmed by its magnitude and the warm welcoming atmosphere. Everyone was eager to help me. With heartfelt thanks."

- Rivky A Wolf, Cleveland, OH


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"Thank you very much for faithfully providing the basis for my Parshas Hashavuah discussion. I use your colored day school version images as a fun slideshow. I use the slides as a means of encouraging students to translate the possuk with its handy built-in visual aide."

- Shaya Hauptman, Torah Academy Of Jacksonville, Florida


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Welcome to our online community and forum! This is a place for Jewish educators to connect, collaborate, and share resources and ideas.

The Walder Education forum strives to be the most pleasant, helpful, informative, and fun online community for Jewish Educators. Although moderators monitor the board, the tone and feel is mostly set by posting members. Please review the rules and posting guidelines for posting behavior and acceptable content for the Walder Education Network. Thanks!

Disregard for these guidelines may result in suspension of posting privileges, removal of posts, or even loss of membership to the offending member.


New Forum Member Agreement:

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies of the message board detailed in the Terms of Use Agreement.

The Walder Education forum is solely for Jewish Education. This includes administration and teachers of Jewish schools and education institutions. It also includes parents for homeschooling and aiding their children's Jewish education. This includes secular studies within the framework of Jewish schools and institutions.

The content posted in this forum is created by members of the Jewish Education community. This is not a place for pluralistic comparisons of religious beliefs. Absolutely, no missionizing will be tolerated.

This forum is only for education. Advertising and promotion of any product, service, website, etc. is prohibited.

Members must be over 18 to participate.

Walder Education reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. However, we are not responsible for any content, and the posts on this forum do not represent our opinions and views.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate of any laws.

If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' check box and press the 'Register' button below.

To help us screen out bots and spammers, and to better understand our users, we require the following information:

Required fields for Sign Up:

Institution Name: 
Religious Affiliation of Institution: 

I have read and agree to the Terms of Use
I agree to use this forum only for Jewish education purposes

[Create Forum Account]



Walder Education Message Board Rules:

1: Discussion Board Etiquette

We want this forum to focus on sharing information, resources, and ideas. The general tone should be positive and informative. We recognize that at times it is necessary to discuss challenges and issues related to education. Keep these discussions constructive. Asking for ideas and solutions, brainstorming, etc. is great. Criticizing or ranting against individuals, institutions, ideologies, religious or secular sects or groups, and such should not take place on this forum. Avoid discussions that become too heated, negative or political.

  • Be Kind and Respectful
    Please be kind, helpful, polite, and civil. Remember, every poster is a real live person. Welcome new members, complement and thank contributors for good work and helpful posts. Please refrain from any sort or personal attacks. Any discussions or comments that are damaging or destructive fall under the general prohibition of Lashon Hara (damaging speech) and will be removed. If you disagree please discuss ideas calmly and respectfully.
    Did you know that online TALKING IN ALL CAPS indicates that you are shouting? It's a very aggressive way to post and does not fit the friendly atmosphere we are striving to create.
  • Smileys, Emoticons, Abbreviations
    The internet developed its own language with smileys such as :) :( ;) :O or :/ and emoticons, which are cartoon or animated versions of these. These help express emotion and the tone of a comment, which is often lost in the written word. However, if you are not sure what each of these represents you may inadvertently offend someone.
  • Privacy
    Please do not post personal information such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. It is generally not safe to post personal information on public forums. Likewise, never discuss the personal information of others on the forum.

2: Staying On Topic
We want to keep the forum as organized as possible. This makes information easy to find, which helps everyone. Please help us keep everything organized and on topic by following these guidelines:

  • Post in the Appropriate Forum
    Please post in the appropriate forum. Review the list of forums and topics before posting to find the best fit. If a discussion finds its way to the wrong forum, a moderator will move it to where it belongs. This keeps everything organized and useful for everyone.
  • Avoid Duplicate Threads
    A lot of topics will come up again and again. Before starting a new Thread, do a quick search and see if there is already a Thread about the topic. Moderators may merge repeat threads with existing ones to keep everything together.
  • Clear Titles
    Try to title your Threads and posts to clearly express the content.
  • Stay on Topic
    Try to keep discussions on topic as defined by the Opening Post (OP) of a Thread.Thread drift happens. If you feel your posts are becoming significantly off-topic, start a new thread with the appropriate subject line and in the appropriate forum. You can post that the discussion will be continued on such-and-such as Thread. Moderators may snip out off-topic discussions and move them to a separate Thread. We will generally respect a certain amount of topic drift, but very off topic posts may be deleted.
  • Be Accurate
    When posting answers or information, make sure that the information is accurate. If it includes references to a Sefer or quotes a Rav, please check and provide the source if possible. If you cannot verify information, please say that this is unverified. If you notice inaccurate or misleading posts, please let us know. By working together we can make this forum a tremendous resource for everyone.
  • No SPAM!
    Any posts that are not contributing to the forum are spam. This includes any advertising or promotion of products, services, or websites (even education products, unless authorized), anything inappropriate, or anything completely irrelevant and off-topic.
  • Respect Copyrights
    Please do not post anything that does not belong to you without permission. Respect all copyright and trademark laws. If you are not sure, do some research on fair use.

3: Editing, Removing Posts, Flagging Inappropriate Content
Because of the live nature of the discussions on this community, it is not possible for us to review and/or confirm the accuracy or validity of a message before it is posted. Please help us by following these guidelines:

  • Edit Yourself
    If you post something and regret your wording or wish to remove it, the easiest thing to do is click the 'Edit' button at the top of the post. You cannot remove a post or thread but you can delete the entire content of your post, leaving it blank, as long as you edit within 24 hours of posting.
  • Request Deletion
    If you feel your post should be deleted or edited, you may contact the Forum Moderator and request removal or editing assistance.
  • Report Abusive, Inappropriate, & Misplaced Content
    If you have an issue with any post, thread, yours or someone else's, the easiest way to request admin help is to click the 'Report' button. The Moderators may not read every post on the group; your help in identifying a problem is appreciated. Notification is voluntary and anonymous.Please do not respond to a situation personally.