Bais Hamikdash
Item Number: BNFAS15-EZ017
Date Submitted: 02/16/2015
A school-wide banner with a picture of the old city of Yerushalayim focusing on the בית המקדש with the words "ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים" written below. The banner was used for חודש טבת to be a visual of the בית המקדש (the picture is of one of the life like models of the בית המקדש) and bring out the idea that Hashem should speedily rebuild it. The banner can be used in conjunction with עשרה בטבת, a project on the ברכות of שמונה עשרה or just to beautify the hallways and/or classrooms of the school.
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